If your website is under attack, reach us out!
iHosts3 will provide you the safety and support you need at affordable price!
L4/L7 Mitigation Global Anycast Powerful Caching DNS Server Web Application Firewall Attack Notifications/Logs Support Expert Support 24x7x265 Service Migration
Contact Us Now!
Why Our Web Hosting?
The main reasons to choose our Web Hosting!
Support Expert
All of our staff is qualified and we help with everything you need fast and efficient.
Dedicated Resources
Built with High-Technology we have the hardware to guarantee good quality in services.
DDoS Protection
We have the best DDoS protection providers to guarantee imediate mitigation.
Instant Activation
After we recive the payment, our software will install your services automatically.
Do you need help? Frequent Questions!
To help you making a decision, we compiled a list of your most frequent questions. If you dont find the answer to your question or even want more information about it just contact us!

What is the location of the web hosting?

  • We always guarantee the best access speed, our servers are hosted in a infrastructure in Portugal, Europe

Do we make regular Backups?

  • Yes, we make security copys (backups) of your services. They are kept in a safe environment, and we garentee they will always be available when something happens.

How much time takes to activate a service?

  • The service is activated a few seconds after the first confirmation of your payment. In case you pay using a payment gateway with automatic validation the process of activation of the service is automatic and immediately

What languages can I use in my Web Hosting?

  • In your Web Hosting you can use PHP, HTML, CGI, Flash, Javascript, Perl, Python and database MySQL.

Is Shared Hosting safe?

  • Yes. we guarantee the safety and estability of the websites of our clients. Each webhosting have a amount of resources so that we can guarantee high-performance avoiding accounts using all the resources.

Can I upgrade my service to a higher plan?

  • Yes, you can upgrade your webhosting at anytime without changing ou reeinstalling your account, you are only going to pay de difference between plans taking into account the remaining time to finish de service